Photo Sharing

As I moved through different photo-sharing sites, I felt that Instagram would be the best way to disseminate information to my targeted demographic. I teach high school students and they typically use Instagram to share their photos but also view other's photos. 

I found Instagram easy to use since I have used it in my personal life. Though this social media site is fun to use, it does have its disadvantages. To utilize Instagram, individuals typically need a smartphone to access it's best features. This is a challenge for students who do not have Instagram or people want to limited their social media use. Another challenge is creating meaingful and engaging content. There are many ways to engage on Instagram but in order to attract viewership, individuals must know how to use Instagram well. 

Here is a link to my Instagram page:

I found it rather easy to post different pictures and share content. If I were to use Instagram with my students, then it would achieve ISTE Standards 4 and 6. 


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