New Literacies and Big Shifts

 As an adult who grew up in a rather big technology boom, digital literacy and shifting to a 21st century education means a lot to me. When I was in high school, there was one computer for the entire family that we had 30 minutes per day to use. Now, students are given their own personal laptop to use starting in 6th grade. Students need to be digital literate in order to survive in today's world. Everything we do relies on technology and young children need to be taught how to use it properly and efficiently. 

In my classrooms, I find that many of students struggle to use technology properly. We tend to just give students a laptop and assume that they know how to use it. As technology has developed in my district, I have been wary to use it in my classroom. After the pandemic, I see how important technology is and how we need to embed digital literacy into everyday instructional activities. 

Moving forward, I believe it is very important for educators to follow the ISTE standards and help their students become a true 21st century learner. 


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